
Yuasa Automation Examples

Indutrial Automation, Robotic Application, Material Handling

We work with manufacture and supplier of factory automation systems including robot with vision systems, gantry loaders, robot’s end of arm tooling such as chucks, hands, and auto tool changers. We can work on projects that includes robotic applications, 3D vision systems, automated material handling, automated inspection equipment, automated assembling systems, and propose our best solutions to our customers.

Fully Automatic Parts Picking System

Factory Automation System Integrator
Bulk stack random picking is now possible with original picking system. With 3D vision technology, the system can pick any part and locate any position in the parts bin. The result is 100% accuracy of picking random parts.

Main Benefits

  • 100% of parts picking.
  • 3D vision system.
  • Two step verification to identify if the robot hand grabs the part correctly.
  • Different shape parts are identified and picked up accurately every time.
  • Low cost: $149.950.00
3D Vision System

3D Vision System

Fully Automatic Parts Picking System

Random Parts Bin and Parts Picking System

Random Parts Bin and Fully Automatic Parts Picking System

Sakurai Custom Fixtures

Custom Fixtures

Fabrications We can work on custom fixtures and custom gauge fixtures are our specialties. We work with local shops with mechanical, electrical, and control engineers capable of tackling any projects, and always looking for better ways to improve production efficiencies. We can provide cost effective solutions to any challenging applications.

Distributor and Importer of CNC Machine Tools and Accessories